Kalkulator Corrected arm muscle area (CAMA)

Izračuna površino CAMA za moške in ženske po formuli Heymsfield et al., 1982.
Kalkulatorji so v testni fazi in niso namenjeni klinični rabi!

Normalne in patološke vrednosti področja mišičja roke s korekcijo (CAMA) (Morley, 2014).



  1. Heymsfield S.B., McManus C., Smith J., Stevens V., Nixon D.W. 1982. Anthropometric measurement of muscle mass: Revised equations for calculating bone-free arm muscle area. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 36, 4: 680-690
  2. Morley J. 2014. Overview of Undernutrition. V: The Merck manual of diagnosis and therapy. Porter R.S., Kaplan J.L. (eds.). 19th ed. Whitehouse Station, Merck Research Laboratories: 9-20